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Introduction to Research - Dr. Louise Taber

Louise Taber, MD

I love being in research, and it’s rather serendipitous how I became involved in the first place!

In 1994 I held the position of Chairman of the Department of Medicine at CIGNA in Sun City. One day I receive a call from a physician I had never met who told me he was planning to develop a group practice with OB/GYN and wanted an Internist (me!) to be part of it. I accepted his offer and, a few months later, just as I was ready to start, I received word that the group would not become a reality after all. That was a Friday and when I spoke with some colleagues about what had happened, I was told that The Arthritis Center was looking for an Internist to work with their three Rheumatologists. I accepted their offer of a position the following Monday! They did numerous clinical trials on rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis investigational medications and I began “learning on the job”. That practice eventually closed its doors, at which time I accepted a position in a group Internal Medicine practice in 1996.

About a year later I received a call “out of the blue” from the Site Manager of Clinical Studies, Ltd. I knew nothing about the company, but they knew I had previous experience in clinical research trials and they were looking to hire an Investigator to replace their current one, who was retiring. The Manager told me that several different people had told him he needed to talk to me before deciding which candidate to hire, so he called. I interviewed, was intrigued, and was hired. That was 1997 and I have been happily conducting research trials ever since!

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